La Spada Gallery

Welcome to LA SPADA Art Gallery!

This is a website dedicated to the work of half-Swedish, half-Japanese licensed swordsmith Yasha Yukawa. We will be organizing a sword appreciation ceremony, and visit to his smithy for a workshop open to the public.

An online gallery featuring his paintings inspired by Japanese swords will also be exhibited in the future.

Thank you very much for visiting,

Event Organizer NAOCO Matsubara

Sword Smithy Experience

This is a Japanese sword smithy, located in beautiful mountains of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Hofu City. Here, sword smith Yasha uses traditional forging tools and methods such as `Fuigo` (traditional Japanese wooden box bellows) and a furnace made from clay. Also, he utilizes `Tamahagane`, an ancient sacred steel ore made to forge Japanese swords. Yasha will explain how a traditional Japanese sword is manufactured, and in front of the participants, he will perform `Tamatsubushi. This is the very first step of processing the steel. This is done by hammering and squashing the steel, which will produce lots of sparks and light. If you are interested in visiting his smithy, please apply below.

Sword Appreciation Ceremony

At La Spada Gallery, I organize the unique “Japanese Sword Appreciation” program, where participants can touch, interact with, and experience Japanese swords at culturally significant locations, such as the Mori Estate and Hoshoan Tea House in Hofu, Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Enjoy this compilation video of traditional sword appreciation ceremonies

Mini Sword Knife Making Workshop

In this workshop, participants can see and fully experience the skills of a master swordsmith, and create their own blade to take home. This workshop was held at Yasha Yukawa’s sword smithy, located in Hofu, Yamaguchi Prefecture.

「YASHA  YUKAWA」 刀匠・湯川夜叉のオリジナルブランド

La spada ギャラリーでは、湯川夜叉のオリジナルブランド「YASYA YUKAWA」の中で、北欧デザインと日本の伝統的な和のデザインを融合させたアート性の高い刃物類を紹介していきます。また、刀剣や包丁の製作をする中から着想を得た絵画・ドローイング等を合わせて紹介していきます。


刀匠ゆかりの地である世界遺産の街・山口県萩市。城下町の散策、萩焼の窯元、日本海に面した食文化等を楽しむ「One Day Excursion in Hagi」 も随時企画していきます。

刀匠・湯川夜叉が作刀した日本刀を楽しむプログラムと、美術刀剣にインスパイアされたアートを皆様のお手元に届けることが La spada Gallery の使命だと考えております。        ギャラリー代表 NAOCO 松原

Smithdy Address:
511-1 Manao Hofu City
Yamaguch JAPAN